Measure It - Manage It!
As Goal-Oriented Martial Arts students, we all have target goals and objectives we want to reach. As we take massive action toward their achievement, it is vital to keep track of our progress.
Measure it – Manage it! Simply put, when we check and review our current progress and results, it allows us to make any adjustments needed to ensure success. By using empowering questions, we can lead ourselves to empowering answers.
1.What areas am I seeing the greatest gains?
2.What other actions can I take to improve my results?
3.Why is this an important goal in my life?
4.How will I benefit and grow from this achievement?
5.What else can I do to accelerate my progress?
Many people go at their goals in a hit-or-miss fashion. They set a goal and then they fail to follow through or they simply procrastinate acting on it. Procrastination is the thief of time.
Action Steps:
1- Be sure your goals are stated clearly and in the affirmative.
2- Ask yourself the empowering questions from above.
3- Take massive action NOW! Don’t wait.
4- Keep doing what’s working and change what doesn’t.
If you are not making the progress you would like to make and are capable of making – it’s simply because we lack clarity in our goals!
