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Ways to Build your Child's Confidence-Part 1

Love your child.

This seems obvious, but it's probably the most important thing you can give your child. Even if you do it imperfectly, and who doesn't? Always dole out plenty of love. Your child needs to feel accepted and loved, beginning with the family and extending to other groups such as friends, schoolmates, sports teams, and community. If you yell or ignore or make some other parenting mistake, give your child a hug and tell her you're sorry and you love her. Unconditional love builds a strong foundation for confidence.

Give praise where praise is due.

It's important to give your child praise and positive feedback because children, especially young ones, measure their worth and achievements by what you think. But be realistic in your praise. If a child fails at something or shows no talent at a skill, praise the effort, but don't unrealistically praise the results. Reassure your child that it's OK not to be able to do everything perfectly. Tell him that some things take repeated effort and practice and sometimes it's okay to move on after you've given your best effort.

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